Performing a successful CMMS implementation depends on many important variables.
Whether it's reviewing your existing business processes, creating a software installation procedure, converting
your existing data, or creating a detailed training plan, many items must be considered to ensure the highest possibility
of a successful implementation.
We offer many professional services to help address these issues to provide a smooth and successful implementation.
Our team of project managers, consultants, trainers, and developers have the experience to help you in any aspect
of implementation and/or system development.
If you have any
questions regarding any of our services, please contact us
for more information.
As with any
new extensive software implementation, there are many aspects that must be taken into consideration. Even the best
systems can fail if the necessary steps aren't taken to address critical problems.
We offer a complete range of implementation services to help you maximize the opportunity for a successful implementation.
We can take the lead, or participate with your implementation team. We have a dedicated and knowledgeable staff
to help guide you through the process.
We can handle implementations of any size.
Do you have
an existing system that you would like to integrate with Guru? If so, we can help you with all aspects of integration.
Whether you want an application to use some of Guru's built-in functions, or to have Guru interface with an external
system, we can provide seamless connections between applications.
We can provide data
transformation services to import your existing data into Guru. Whether your data resides in databases, spreadsheets,
text files, as well as non-digital formats. We can also export your Guru data into various formats so it can be
imported into other systems.
We at Cedesta
are committed to ensuring that our system fulfills the needs of your business. If there is something you would
like to see added to Guru, whether you have a new business requirement, or simply an idea that you would like to
see, just contact
us to begin a free
consultation to discuss your requirements.
any new system into a business requires training of key personnel. We can offer you on-site training classes to
be performed at your facility, or remotely via an online training session. We'll set up the training material around
your specific requirements and schedule.
Are you an avid
programmer/developer who is fulent in programming ActiveX components in Visual Basic, C#, C++, or any other programming
language that supports ActiveX development? If so, you can become a certified developer of your own Guru add-ins.
By becoming a certified developer, you will learn the techniques and development requirements of converting your
own applications into a Guru add-in, including:
- Understanding the interfaces between
the console and add-in.
- Generating a GAM file.
- Utilizing the Guru DLL to enhance
your application.
- Marking your add-ins on our web
Learn how easy it is to create
your own applications and interfacing them with Guru by utilizing our standard class object template.
If interested, please contact us to request a free Add-In Development Guide to learn how you can use the power
of Guru within your own applications.
We take great
pride in providing superior customer service. Our goal is to handle each situation promptly and to ensure that
your dealings with us is an enjoyable and lasting one.
We offer different levels of customer support:
E-Mail Support
Everyone (both clients
and non-clients) can request assistance via e-mail. All responses are usually addressed within 24 hours.
Clients you have purchased our system are given HIGH PRIORITY status and these requests are handled first.
To send a customer support request,
click here for details about contacting us via e-mail.
Telephone Support
Customers who have purchased our system are provided with telephone support for a defined number of days defined
in your license details.
All customer-related service calls require a valid customer identification number.